Countries & Cities Archive

Top 10 Poorest Countries in the World

Poverty today is a very real deterrent to the growth, health, and education of many populaces in numerous different countries. Although there is a myriad of reasons for poverty within a country, the general international measure of poverty is the Gross Domestic …

What Countries are in Europe?

Europe is the world’s third most populous continent after Asia and Africa with an estimated 11% of the world’s population. There are approximately 51 countries in Europe and the continent has a land surface area of 10,180,000 square kilometres. Despite the many …

Fun Facts About Paris

Paris is certainly a great place to visit. It has so much history and the monuments there are not to be missed either. What a lot of people don’t know is that Paris is also home to some of the zaniest facts …

Things to See in London

Cosmopolitan and at the same time provincial, ultra-modern and simultaneously old-fashioned, London England has consistently ranked among the most popular tourist destinations in the world. For that reason, it comes as no surprise that MasterCard – in 2014-2015 – ranked it as …

Interesting Facts About California

California is ranked among the biggest states in the United States, occupying as much as 70% of the US West Coast. It’s probably the state showing the widest variance when it comes to geography and climatic conditions, as it encompasses lots of …

Absolute Bella Facts About Rome

Rome has many names, such as “The Forever City” but as the romantic’s and the hedonist’s favourite city, it must have a lot to offer, and it sure does. Many people already know a lot about Rome, but here is a bit …