9 Facts About Real Christmas Trees

It is believed that the Christmas tree has been around for at least one or two millennia as well as being a must-have adornment for many people who celebrate Christmas and exchange gifts with family and friends every year.

Decorations specialist Deemer Cass of the UK company Fantastic Gardeners says that Christians were not the first to decorate and adorn Christmas trees.

When it comes to real Christmas trees, most people are confused about why they are better. Because real trees help absorb massive amounts of carbon dioxide emissions compared to emissions created through fake trees, they are preferable in many ways. The fact that genuine trees, unlike artificial trees, are entirely biodegradable is much more significant than all of this.

Here are nine interesting facts about real Christmas trees that you might not have known before. Read on to learn more.

9 Facts About Real Christmas Trees

1.   The Growing Condition Of Real Christmas Trees

The growing of Christmas trees is permitted in all fifty states, especially Arizona and California. Oregon, Florida, and Michigan are the top three Christmas tree growers in the United States. Also, over 12 million Christmas trees were collected by these three states collectively in 2010.

2.   The First-Ever National Christmas Tree

Demand from the California state Public Schools resulted in the dedication of the state’s first Christmas tree in Washington, D.C., on November 15, 1923. This tree, a balsam fir, was lighted by President Harry Truman in 1923. As part of the accompanying “Pathway of Peace,” smaller trees signifying all 50 provinces and territories were planted in 1954, beginning a practice that has continued to this day.

3.   The Longest Tree Ever

When it came to real Christmas trees, the record was held by a 221-foot-tall White oak that was used to adorn the Northgate Plaza in Seattle, Washington, during December 1948.

4.   Ninety-eight Percent Of All Christmas Trees Are Grown On Farms.

According to the National Christmas Tree Organization, over 350 million Christmas trees have presently being grown on Christmas tree farms in the United States. Over 400,000 trees grown on Christmas Tree Farms in Ireland

As per the University of Chicago, only 2 percent of all Christmas trees are collected from the wild each year.

5.   The Average Price

Consumers paid an average of $72.50 for a Christmas tree in 2017, which is much more than double the annual amount of a Christmas tree in 2008. The current recession, according to the National Christmas Tree Organization, is to blame for the price hike. Fewer individuals purchased trees, resulting in excess of trees on the market and a drop in the number of new plants being planted in the following years.

6.   Christmas Trees Were Once Hung Upside Down

As per TheSpruce.com, the ritual of swinging a Christmas tree upside down from the roof is a centuries-old custom that began in Eastern Europe.

In several Slavic cultures, it is said that upside-down Christmas trees remain widespread. “The origins of this practice are still a little unclear,” Cass said, adding that he finds it difficult to understand.

7.   A Christmas Tree Can Take Up To 15 Years To Reach Typical Height

As per the National Christmas Tree Organization, the average height of a Christmas tree is between 6 and 7 feet.

It might take very little as three years to achieve this height, but on average, it takes seven years to grow to such a height.

8.   Trees Can Be Recycled

Christmas trees may be too big for your compost pile, but many communities collect trees curbside or at a drop-off location. The trees are either turned into mulch for parks and playgrounds or used for erosion prevention and weed abatement.

9.   More Than 25 Million Christmas Trees Are Sold Every Year

As reported by the National Christmas Tree Organization, there are over 340 million Christmas trees now growing on Christmas tree farms in the United States only, with between 20 to 30 million real Christmas trees being marketed each year.


Without a doubt, Christmas is a great celebration to enjoy with your family and friends, so make the most of it. Christmas is also a cultural festival, with non-religious customs such as Santa Claus, sending cards, and exchanging gifts being part of the festivities.