Why are Bananas Good For You?

6. Ripe vs Unripe

We’ve looked at some of the benefits of eating bananas but what many people don’t realize is that ripeness matters.  Unripe, green bananas are high in resistant starch content.  This means that they are not as high in sugar content.  Unripe bananas also absorb nutrients (such as calcium) better.  They also have probiotics, which are a good type of bacteria that promote good colon health.

What about ripe bananas? These are easier to digest because the resistant starch in unripe bananas changes to simple sugar as they ripen.  Although that does make them higher in sugar and so people with diabetes should avoid eating them in large doses, the change from resistant starch to sugar makes bananas easier to digest. Ripe bananas also have higher levels of micronutrients, which are lost in the process of ripening.