There are lots of dos and don’ts when it comes to moving house at any time, but if you happen to be moving house to start a new job, you might find you have a little extra stress on your plate than usual. This can make what is already a very troublesome task even harder, but by following some simple dos and don’ts, you should be able to avoid most of the pitfalls and rookie mistakes and arrive at your new job with your sanity intact.
The dos:
There are a lot of things you should be doing to make this whole process that much easier. This can involve taking steps to help your mental health, helping yourself get organized for the job, and making sure that the move goes smoothly. Here are some tips to help you reduce stress and look after yourself properly.
#1 Give yourself a lot of time
Even if the move is at short notice, you should make sure you are breaking down the days into bite-size chunks. This can help you to keep on top of everything you need to do, help you to build up a better idea of what is going on, and help your mind find space to breathe during these stressful times.
#2 Organize the move well
Making sure you are taking inventory and using professional services can help you reduce the amount of stress you are going to be under. Investing in the correct apartment movers business, like the option to move your apartment with Shiply, is a step in the right direction and can give you peace of mind knowing that your valuables are in reliable hands.
#3 Think about how you are packing
It is well worth your time to learn how to pack everything properly and make sure things are secure in their boxes. This will mean that nothing gets broken, especially if you are going overseas for your new role. You should make sure you are following the manufacturer’s packing recommendations so that your specialist and tech items are secure, using the original packaging wherever possible.
#4 Plan your meals
Your brain is going to be so involved with making sure you are getting everything right that you might be missing meals and losing sleep. Making sure you have pre-planned some quick and easy meals – such as heating up a pasta sauce or some leftovers – can ensure you are giving yourself the energy you need to think things through properly and keep on top of the task at hand without neglecting your health.
The Don’ts
The list of things that you should not be doing when it comes to moving is just as long and every bit as important. These can lead to mistakes and poor mental well-being and even damage your motivation for your new job.
#1 Don’t rush yourself
Take it easy. If you feel like you need to do everything this very second, you are probably overreacting. Building momentum is important, and you need to make sure you are taking your time to do things thoroughly because if you don’t, you will be more stressed later on.
#2 Don’t go into something unfamiliar
Keep familiarity close by. Make sure that some rooms are set up similarly, even just at the start. You are going to be entering a new community, with a new job, in a new home. This can cause huge amounts of stress, especially if you don’t adapt well, so you should make sure you aren’t diving in headfirst.
#3 Don’t Reject support
If you have friends and family offering you support, you are going to need to make sure that you are leaning on them. You can’t, or at least shouldn’t, go into this kind of thing alone. You should have people to talk to and people who you can rely on to help you out from time to time. This can give you some different insights and help you cope with the whole move.
#4 Don’t go above budget
If you have a budget, don’t overspend. This budget might include moving costs, the first month’s rent, and some money for a celebratory takeout when you get to your new home. This kind of thing is crucial for your mindset, and knowing you have enough money to at least get going can be a great stress reliever.
Final thoughts
Everyone is different, so what you need to reduce stress when moving is all up to the individual. Knowing yourself and what you need to help can be useful, but making sure that you are taking care of yourself, leaning on others for support, and relying on high-quality services can help your move go a lot more smoothly and help you build a better foundation for your new start.